Monday, February 28, 2011

 Layers of the Rainforest
As you can see above this text there is a picture of the layers in the rainforest.
The top layer of the rainforest is called the emergent layer and then the canopy layer and then followed by that there is the understory layer and then last but not last there is the forest floor. The emergent is the top of the rainforest which means it is quite bare because a lot of sun light gets on the leaves so they die of and thats why is bare. The next layer, the canopy layer is like the blanket of the whole rainforest there is an enourmose amount of foliage and it is exteremly bushy area becaus ethats were all the leaves are on the trees, because when you look at a tree roughly about abit below the top is the most bushest area with the most leaves.
The understory laer is quite plain as it is mostly just the bast or the trunks of the trees.
The forest floor is of course the bottom of the forest, it is just the floor.

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